Parent Lunch Procedure
- Parents and/or relatives of our students are encouraged to come and eat lunch at school with their children or relatives occasionally.
- Lunch visitors may come to eat any day they choose - - we do ask that you call the school office by 9:00 a.m. to make a reservation on the day you wish to eat hot lunch.
- Lunch tickets for adults must be purchased in the office and the cost of an adult lunch this year is $3.75.
- All visitors need to wait for their children to come down before entering the lunchroom. Please wait by the water fountain at the kitchen entrance.
- Give the computer operator your lunch ticket before obtaining a tray.
- Please note that all lunches include 1 milk and 1 trip to the salad bar. (Hot Lunch Guidelines)
- Visitors are asked to sit at the Parent Lunch Table with your child/family members only. They cannot be joined by a classmate.
- Whenever your child's group starts to clean up by scraping their trays, it is your child's signal to do the same. Your child needs to join his or her group at this time.
- We do ask Visitors to exit the lunchroom and school when finished and not to report to the classroom or recess with the child.
- Please follow the school lunch schedule. The lunch schedule is as follows:
***If you wish to join your child for lunch on a delay or dismissal schedule, please call the school and check about the time.